Friday, December 03, 2004


well today and yesterday we're both work days, 430-930 for both of them...last nite i literally fell on my couch at home and collapsed there...anyways, both days seemed to provide a few more answers i was looking for....

pd1- not a bad day actually, only the 2nd time i was there all week, world history is good in small doses
pd2- worked on euro all period
pd3- me n nayhouse worked on the calculus Exercise 20 together and I finished typing up that Spanish script.
pd4- god i hate those days where yount talks before a paper is due...all period long he went over how he grades papers and showed three specific examples
pd5- lunch, all i gotta say is gay chicken game lmao
pd6- more imperfect stuff, apparently now senora calls me "tortuga" which in spanish means "turtle"...i liked rodrigo better...anyways for the last 15 min. we sung those christmas tunes in spanish yeha
pd7- euro test, ch.16 i dominated the rise of the dutch empire question but got crushed on ch.17 question about how eastern european govs. used Baroque art to support absolutism
pd8- limits of infinite series' lol

work was, well, kinda sucked but at the same time was ok...tomorrow is 1130-8 and busiest day of the year, o well

until later,


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