Sunday, May 08, 2005

my goal in life

so i was thinking about it today what i really, really wanted to do with the rest of my life after high school....i definitely do not want to work in some damn office where someone makes the hours for goal is to go to college as a backup first plan is to work and to play poker enough to become good at it....i want, by the time that i am 25, to have saved enough money to retire for the rest of my life....i can then invest the money in compound interest and then this is what i want to do...for about 5 years i just want to walk serious, like all around north and south america...either by myself or with a wife or girlfriend just because i love to be outside and think that with money taken care of i can stay in hotels or roadside or whatever....then i want to travel for 10 years after that....then after i'll come back home, maybe write a little and do nothing with my life....being good at odds says that i have almost no chance to accomplish that so in effect i'll probably end up teaching american or world history at some lowly high school in idaho or something like that....anyways....

today i woke up real late b/c of my late night last night and then nayhouse came over and we finished watching dazed and confused and then we went to get a pizza...afterwards we decided that he would go to the mall with some girl and her friends and that i was going to play we parted paths and by the time i got to the field it was almost was fun though, it was me, charlie, alex, papus, erin, and sarah and after softball we all piled in to my car, went bak to erin's house, got kicked out, walked to minios, left there then walked back to her house....we said bye byes after that and i took home sarah charlie and alex....then i came home and just sat around....tomorrow is going to be such a bitch i have 40 notecards and a whole senior project to do.....just great



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