Saturday, April 30, 2005

lets go fishing

hahahaha....ill get to the meaning later
so today i woke up at like....i think around 1030 and went and played a little on pokerstars before eating breakfast....anyways my brother and i played cards in the morning and i just kind of knew that my day was doomed whenever he accurately predicted i had a5 off....anyways poker was at 1 at zwireks, 16 ppl showed up for a decent sized table was the more difficult of the two but by no means difficult at all....i simply caught 0 cards and couldn't make any moves at all and i lost to logan's flopped two brother ended up making it to final table and got fourth(one short of cashing) so that was good...anyways we left but if i had to pick a favorite to win it would have been logan, he was playing solid all i retreated home and then me/nayhouse headed for colleen's so we could follow them to the T station....we got there late as allows and hopped on the T....the ride down was well, interesting...anyways we bought tix and we were supposed to meet erin and some other people but everytime we would try to sneak into their section, an usher would stop us....seriously, wtf? we settled on some seats behind home plate but after like the 5th inning we left to go get food....i wasn't really hungry but theres this place where u can get it for like 1/3 price so that was cool....anyways, sarah was(understandably) getting pissed off for a number of reasons, so we ended up finding a way to get into their section and sat several rows in front of them....well the girls were getting cold so after the sixth inning me, nayhouse, sarah, colleen, and two other girls(i think sammy and po maybe?) left....but an interesting thing happened on the bridge and it sort of brought back memories to walking through the ghetto by baldwin...there was this real homely guy and he was just kinda walking and we were passing him but there was something real weird about it, i just saw it in his we walked past, he grabbed for wtf what is wrong with some people??? so on the way back colleen tells me that she could h0ox me up with some stuff over the summer(collectively referred to as "going fishing") because sarah said that h00x up sounded too much like something else....anyways, i just went over mikes for a little bit and we reviewed some beginning java code and then i went now im exhausted and im not sure what im doing tomorrow, hopefully sleeping forever....

oh yeah, btw before i forget....ive officially decided that im never taking the word of anyone again....i was looking at someone's profile tonight and i thought to, i called that would happen without even knowing who the kid was....but noooo, she said it wouldnt' happen....not that im upset/angry it just shows that my gut instict is correct most of the time and that, cynically enough i will say, a word is dead, once it is said, some say....well there's an end to that poem but ubiquitous lies just stream from people's mouths so i don't feel like writing the rest of it....

in memory of truth,


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