Thursday, June 09, 2005

it hit me

the title is interesting and i won't get to it until the end of the post, so that's to come.....

the last few days have been somewhat crazy in the fact that i have been so busy i haven't had time for anything....last night i slept over nayhouse's, something that i hadn't done in a long time....we always think of the funniest comments ever at like 4 am and then wake up to find that they weren't really that we woke up at 9 after 4.5 hours of sleep and went to eatnpark where i got the buffet....afterwards we went to his house and made several bets on who could answer more jeopardy questions in which i was clearly we went and picked up sarah from school and then nayhouse dropped me back at my house after a wendys trip...i guess briggs called and said we had practice but i had to pick up my brother then i was going to the game that between those two i snuk in a quick cash game where i profited a whole dollar, i think....after bradburn and i traversed to washington junction where we caught the T in....we decided to walk over to a parking lot in heinz field where ducker, klein, lauren w and brandy were tailgaiting was a fun time there and then we walked over to the game to meet senora, aj, conal, amy, T, and steph and we got our tickets and went in....after settling in our seats for awhile i decided i was hungry and that i would get something so all in all i ended up getting a hot dog, mountain dew, and ice cream....all were delicious and the food was made so good by the pirates winning the game 6-1....afterwords we just went down to the north shore because nighttime at the north shore is completely beautiful....i seriously just sat on the grassy knoll and looked up at the clouds and stars for probably an made me realize how insignificant my life is...seriously, i'm one six billionth of a planet that's one six billionth of the has a calming effect though by just keeping in check that what you do really doesn't matter in the whole scheme of things so you should say and do things as if your unimportant, stupid little life would end tomorrow....after that i realized it would be way too late to get the car so we walked to max and ermas, but that was then we drove in senora's car to eatnpark on 51 where we got a table for 8 and everyone just ordered water and dessert...T told some funny homestarrunner stories and we talked about college plans and the erie trip which is going to be a complete for whatever reason i just told senora to drop me off at bradburns, just one of those i was walking in the calm of the downcast night something just's one of those things they talk about in the morose hollywood movies with little plot in them as a life changing moment....but it's never like that, you never know when it is going to happen....but as it happens you can feel the whole world shifts right in front of was very weird, i was just thinking, if i die right now, i'm going to miss too many people....will they miss me??? it was almost as if hollywood had scared me into thinking that my life should have ended right there and truthfully, i could have rested peacefully on that street and not had a problem in the world....but, no i did not die as henceforth i am writing this, but it did provide a very calming feeling, maybe because of the hundreds of grams of sugar i'm sure i consumed today, whatever it was, i feel so calm right now....anyways, tomorrow is going to suck because i have a damn supercolt game and i want to quit the team b/c i hate almost everyone on the team and the fact that they take my favorite game so, just a precursor to future allegations...i've had 5 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours so forgive me if a lot of this sounds like jibberish.....well, it is time to sleep seeing as there is no need to stay up....

rest well,


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