Tuesday, April 05, 2005

the eye of the storm

the post refers not only to my life in general but to my new obsession, backgammon....i figured that my bad luck in poker would surely go away...little did i know though that the roll of the dice in backgammon is sometimes much more harshly felt than the cards of poker....

so here’s the situation, for anyone who knows how to play backgammon…im in pretty much perfect position, all but two of my pips are stacked in spaces 1-6(home base) or in stack 7….so the bastard im playing has two pips in my home court as well, and he has to draw a perfect 4-3 combo to send one of my pips back to his home base….and sure enough, he draws f*cking 4-3(it has to be in that order or his pips in my base wouldn’t have been able to move against my stacks in 1-6) wtf AKFLSJDKLJDSKLJFDSKLJFSKLDJFSKLDJKLSDJKLFSDJKLFDJKLSFDJKLDSJKLSFDKJFSKLDJKLFSDJFDSKLJFDSKLJFKLDSJKLJFDSKLJDSLKJFLD….anyways fast forward ahead to the closing moments of the game, as I have played beautifully to put the score at 6-5 with all of my pips in positions 1-3 and his in 1-2…I draw 1-2, the worst combination at this point(a double or two higher rolled die would have secured victory), and to top it all off, he draws 4-4 giving him all but one to win…and of course I can’t draw a double to save my life…ajfdsljdslakjfdslkj….w/e

anyways, I haven’t much here to say except that im probably going to prom with someone that I’ll end up hating, but hey….ahhh ill shut up



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