Tuesday, April 04, 2006

iran is threatening us?

If you haven't been keeping up with the news for the last six weeks, the "war games" have been going on in Iran. It's kind of funny because the Iranians have been, in their own words, "making great strides in military technology". I just find it really funny when I opened up the netscape homepage and saw a story involving the Iranians sending a message to the US to "not mess with fire". First of all, the Iranians better watch themselves. With all fairness, we would knock your piece of shit, "cradle" of Islamic civilization off the map quicker than we did with your neighbor, Iraq. Our military may be overextended at the moment, but then again we only have mobilized .01% of our total population towards military deployment. Say that, in the extreme case that we do go to war in Iraq, we draft 500k civilians. Give us three months and they will be a more capable fighting force than the "elite" Republican divisions that the Iranians have. Not only that, but by the time Iraq decides to get their shit moving, we won't need our 150k troops we have there. Simply put, Iran is going to get knocked the you know what out.

Alright, enough with that for the day.
Yesterday, I went to psychology and history. In psychology we talked about sexual orientation, and the class was quite interesting. As most of you know, I'm very much anti-gay. I just completely disagree with the whole thing as same sex mating, but the teacher was hitting us with a lot of innuendo to try to change our views. I guess it's good that she's trying to open our eyes, but I'm not sure that it will change my views specifically. Next, I ate some lunch and started on my economic report on the US economy. That's gonna be a complete bitch to do, no lie. After that, I went to PEPP and it was a little more than exciting. These two kids were really going at each other and ended up fighting while I was out of the room. That should be an interesting paper to write about. Later, I came home and played basketball for awhile. I took a short nap, then went online for awhile. I went to bed at around 12 after watching the end of the basketball game. It wasn't surprising at all because Florida was playing so well at the end of the tournament, and UCLA had "used up" all their energy and good defense in their last game against LSU. Once again, not very surprising at all.
Today, I didn't go to geography because it was a waste of time and we took a quiz in economics which I got 16/20 on. That's a pretty good score because the quizzes are usually pretty tough. I think I understand a lot of what he's saying though because I'm getting the graphs and what the movements on them mean. All in all, that class is getting better. Then, we had a meeting for intramural softball and then I typed up some stuff. Now, I'm ready to go to CI then home.

until next time,


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