Monday, April 11, 2005


the title refers to a very funny incident that happened in spanish...even if you don't take spanish/a foreign language this will be we have this girl(idk her real name, her spanish name is cecilia) who sits at the front of the class....i'd consider her "smart" rather than "intelligent", more like she reads a lot of books and gets smart...anyways, she sometimes stutters when she talks so senora asked her....something fueras en un isla sola, que traerias...which translates into "if you were on an island alone, what would you bring" cecilia answers "un pene" where she meant to say "un peine" well if you don't know the difference "peine" is comb and "pene" is pen*s.....don't let anyone ever tell you that "i" doesn't make a difference....ha ha

anyways a quick rundown of weekend/day
weekend- friday i don't remember, i think i took my brother somewhere for baseball....saturday i bowled and then played basketball until after my parents left for my mom's bday dinner and didn't get back until 10 so my night was scratched...sunday i woke up and took my brother to deer lakes and he got like sixth in a finals which wasn't bad....

pd1 - group work on latin america in 20th century
pd2 - we were supposed to be working on our 5000 word adventure story but we got sidetracked into thinking of who would you rather be?(ex. napoleon bonnaparte or napoleon dynamite)
pd3 - c++ me and nayhouse are too sweet for sort programs so we set up our own "chat room" lol
pd4 - the man yount assigned the diary of samuel pepys which i have to read tom. cuz i didn't do it tonight
pd5 - lunch, nothing great to speak of except the confirmation that i destroyed the original "plan" but i managed to fix it
pd6 - my favourite class these days lol...senora constantly jokes with me about everything lol....i can only shake my head, laugh, and enjoy it
pd7 - me and booter sat back all period while i texted justov(faggot owes me money for that late book)
pd8 - calculus, finally we're doing something that i can easily do

after school i did my traditional hour of television until i got so i went up into my room and couldn't sleep(could be the sun) but i went outside and shot basketball then played a game and came inside and played poker....the rest of the night i spent lounging.....

so this is the past few entries i used writing satire to get out my hatred for quite a few things and now it's gone, it's all good....the plan for the rest of the year is to do things that i consider valuable/i need to do to for baseball this year i will either play super colt or colt in baldwin for my last time way or another i will be having to get a job this summer(arg, another one?)....and it appears i'm not the only one who loves road trips as kazour mentioned senior trip to virginia beach/ocean city and a possibility of seeing the killers(sweet band) in cleveland....awesome, awesome(in karl geisler's words)

31 days of school left,


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