Tuesday, November 29, 2005

i hope it's over

Whew, I was a lot sicker than I thought at first. I'm pretty sure it was a touch of the flu, a touch of pnuemonia, and a little bit of sinus infection. Definitely a rough weekend though. On saturday I literally died in the last hour of work. I mean, I was just incredibly fatigued and came home and slept for a very long time. By the time Sunday came around, I was asking my gf for medical advice and she basically told me that I was stupid not to listen to her in the first part. Truth out. At work I was a lot less sick than I was on saturday, and I could actually kinda taste the pizza which had pepperonia and sausage on it. Apparently, mindy thinks I got her sick, but that really isn't possible. That sunday night, I rested up and started feeling a LOT better by the end of the night. Today, I woke up and felt a little better. My goal in all of this was to feel a little better every day. I have to give a speech in English on friday. In stats, we had a test and since I was sleeping all weekend, I ended up getting a 15/30 on it. I think that proves that even when I'm sick and not prepared, I can still get half the questions right. Psychology is an interesting class. We were just talking about standardized tests and it didn't occur to me that included in No Child Left Behind is a clause that is supposed to redistribute wealth to poor schools. That's completely hypocritical to what bush has done in the rest of his presidency by cutting taxes for the rich and increasing them for five straight years towards the poor. I also love it that everyone has an opinion on things that they are uniformed in. That would be like me debating cloning with a neurotic surgeon. I mean, I wouldn't know what the hell I was talking about. In comm we watched this really cool commentary on how WETA Digital works. It's actually pretty fascinating stuff if you stay awake and watch the whole piece on it. I think that it really goes to show you how much work they put into making LOTR the greatest movie trilogy of all time. During the break, the same four as last week went back to mr mike's. We saw watson there, and I had an above average burger and fries. Finally, we went back to ms. hill's class. Although her stories are annoying, I'm growing strangely fond of that class. Not only is it very informative on current issues in education, but hill does have similar opinions to mine on the obvious truth that poor people are getting fucked over in every aspect of life. I agree that schools are becoming segregated again. 1/4 of all public schools have a majority of the population that lives in housing projects. How much progress has actually been made since Brown v Board or Plessy v Ferguson? The answer is none. I feel entitled to purport my opinions to you, as you might have already noticed. Haha. I would love to be able to sit down for maybe eighteen months and write a book about the progress of mankind over the last six thousand years. I'll save those thoughts for the book, because I don't think blogger allows posts over a certain character amount. Christina invited me over, but I was still feeling a little sick and decided to come home instead. I chilled, took three more horrible beats playing poker(rivered 3 times), talked to anna, and made wings. A good and bad night I guess. I hope by tomorrow I am fully recovered as I'm looking to read psychology and start getting my speech together on friday. I'm excited for giving my speech about my hatred of standardized testing, but I'm also concered that I'll start a tirade that'll cover the deteriorating state of man for the last three thousand years. Anyways, have a good night and this is going to finish with a poem that I wrote about a month ago. Enjoy.

Oh Doctor
By: Matt Hartman

Oh doctor, oh doctor
I merit dismay
Accept my apologies
I lived for the day

Oh doctor, oh doctor
Outside whose office I wait
Let us not meet again
Till you’ve decided my fate

Oh doctor, oh doctor
So heavenly, so high
You clever old fool
With office in the sky

Oh doctor, oh doctor
Please let us all through
I know you knew us
But we didn’t know you

Oh doctor, oh doctor
Forgive us our woes
Greed, money, power,
And vindication of foes

So doctor, so doctor
Give us a new start
As we come knocking
Please open your heart.



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