Tuesday, July 25, 2006

enjoy it while it lasts

I'm talking about the summer, of course. I don't really remember when I posted last, so I'll just give a brief rundown of last week. On wednesday, I know that for sure I went to skyview. To sum things up, I didn't complete any draws. That's the key to the game: getting there in big pots. I haven't won a big pot there in a ridiculous amount of time, but I'll probably keep trudging on. On thursday I went over to chris lee's for awhile and then went to make a few deposits. My days kind of run together and I want to say that this was the day that we went swimming in nayhouse's pool. On friday I went to my brother's game and they won the championship for the munhall tournament. They beat USC and the team celebrated by going to this diner near my house. It was a great time. Aside from being awoken halfway through my sleep, it was a good night. Saturday was a pretty good day at work and afterwards nayhouse and I decided to go out to ross park mall. The highlight of the trip was this store that sold these really comfortable bean bags that were about 3 times the size of a normal bean bag. After getting wendys, we went back to his house and kathleen and sarah met us back there. Bradburn joined in the fun a little later. The five of us watched some boondog movie for a little while until deciding to shoot pool. It was an enjoyable time. Work on sunday was anything but graceful. It just seems like an uphill struggle and I'm not sure I want to do it anymore. After work, my dad and I played the front nine of the SP 18 hole course. After the ninth hole, we looked at each other and saw the 10th teebox right to our left.
"I mean, it is just right there. Nobody is gonna stop us", I said.
"Didn't have to ask me twice. Let's see how far we can get," my dad said.
And so it was to be. We finished walking 18 holes in 3 minutes, 45 minutes, which has to be close to a record. I ended up shooting 97 which isn't that bad for me on 18 holes. When nayhouse, sarah, and kathleen got back from kennywood the four of us went to eatnpark and stole a menu and got ice cream. On monday, my brother, little bradburn, sammy and I shot videos with little bradburn's phone. They were all funny but the mexican crossing and the black preacher had to be the funniest of the batch. At 6 I went to my brother's game at some field in mt lebo that I had never seen before and watched them get absolutely dominated by this lebo team. Seriously, a lot of the runs that the other team scored were caused by one pretty big error(and a few minor mistakes after that), but all in all they were overmatched. I got a ride over to sarahs and met po and nayhouse there. After taking a tour of the property, we settled in to watch eurotrip. I never saw it before and gave it a B+ for comedy rating. Even though the whole hitler as a youth thing has been re-enacted a bunch of times, it just amuses me every time a new movie puts a scene in there like that. After that, we put in dazed and confused, but it didn't do so well in comparison to eurotrip. About a third of the way through the movie, we got up and played pool. Team baldwin lost game 1 but won game 2. In game 3 I forget what happened but we ended up making the 8 ball on ourselves to end the game. Such a sad way to go down. We played a little more until it was time to go. Nayhouse and I dropped off po and headed back towards home again.

In other news, I'm leaving for cooperstown in 2 days. On friday morning, I'm leaving for dreams park and won't be returning for a week. I'm excited to go becuase the amount of technology there is minimal and you really get to see what things looked like before televisions and computers. Nothing but the paper, baseball, and more baseball. And I'm going to be loving every minute of it.

Until next time,


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